Whether you've organised a one-off corporate function or a large scale festival, you'll know just how stressful arranging an event can be. There are so many things out of your control, including weather, ticket sales and even the behaviour of your attendees.
That's why you should help protect yourself and your business with a tailored entertainment and events insurance policy. With the right insurance you can safeguard yourself if things don't go to plan - allowing you to run your event with confidence.
Who should consider it?
Events insurance is usually taken out bu professionals in the hospitality or entertainment industry such as:
What can it cover?
Events insurance can protect you and your business from the various risks you're exposed to when conducting an event. Without an entertainment and event insurance policy, such a claim could threaten your assets. Depending on your policy, event insurance can cover:
Types of events we can insure
Not limited to:
Event insurance is of paramount importance; the cost of an accident can run into thousands of dollars. Thankfully, Brokers National is here to help. For more information regarding entertainment and event insurance, please contact us on 1300 276 628 or request a quote below.